Mankato West student team, New Ulm’s Turner Hall get $5k grants
January 16, 2020 11:50AM CST
(Mankato, MN) – A Mankato West student team and a New Ulm gymnastics program both received grants to reduce electricity usage and save money.
The school’s “YES Team” was awarded a $5,000 grant from the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) to reduce hallway lighting electrical usage by nearly 50 percent by replacing 700 lightbulbs with LED lights.
The change is expected to save about $3,000 annually.
In New Ulm, Turner Hall Gymnastics will use the grant to update its outdated breaker box, which is used to turn the lights off and on in the gym. CERT calls the method both inefficient and potentially hazardous.
The grants are part of the 35 given statewide for innovative renewable energy and energy efficiency projects.
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